TEXT/CODE EDITORS AMEDIT.LZH 65536 02-15-93 AM-EDIT 1.3 A "no-nonsense" full-screen text editor which is both powerful and easy to use. Written in assembler resulting in fast loading and saving of text files and searches. Uses less than 42k of memory. ASP ASC2COM.LZH 262144 02-15-93 ASC2COM 2.05 A ASCII text file compiler that takes ASCII format text and produces 1 of 6 different COM format programs. Produced programs are self- listing, support a mouse, and have various other features included Pop-Up Help, Print and more. Rqs, 512k, HD. ASP BLKBRD74.LZH 163840 02-15-93 BLACK BEARD V7.4 Fast, efficient program editor. Can run memory resident, has mouse support, online context sensitive help, pop-up menus, virtual memory, many word processing features, text formatting program makes BB a full featured word processor! Easy to use & learn! BOXER.LZH 311296 02-15-93 BOXER 4.0 Outstanding text editor! Many features, 512 level undo, full mouse/EGA/VGA support, multiple files/windows, block functions: sort, total, average, auto save, context sensitive help, search & replace across files & much more! Rqs, 384k, HD. ASP GLWPVED.LZH 163840 02-15-93 VDE 1.6D VDE is a small, fast, powerful text editor offering: easy menu bar operation or WordStar- compatible command keys, multiple files, windows, cut and paste, block copy, move, delete, read, write, zoom, keystroke macros with programming ability, & much more! MULTEDIT.LZH 180224 02-15-93 MULTI-EDIT V3.00B Edit files up to 32 meg., up to 100 simultaneously, context sensitive help, FULL UNDO, DOS shell, pop-up ASCII table/programmers calculator, extensive windowing, condensed mode for hi-level languages, all word-processor features. NED.LZH 212992 02-15-93 NED 1.6B A high performance text editor for programmers and general use. Edir 10 files; 43/50 modes; file wildcards, pick lists and drive & direct browse, Calculator, ASCII table, keyboard macros autosave, spooler, and more. Rqs, 265k. ASP NYEDIT21.LZH 245760 02-15-93 NEW YORK EDIT V2.1 Excellent text editor offers window editing of up to 20 files simultaneously. 10 buffer cut & paste utility, keyboard macros, column/block editing, find & replace, word wrap, mouse support, undo, EMS support, on-line help & much more. Rqs hard drive. ASP PEDIT.LZH 212992 02-15-93 PEDIT PLUS 1.1 Full featured split-screen editor now handles up to 6 files at one time. Supports all the usual editing functions plus block indent. Features include margins, paragraph indent, word wrap, case change. PEDIT uniquely treats everything as text. ASP QEDIT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 QEDIT 2.15 Fast, easy to use text editor! Customizable keyboard, colors, screen options. Supports character, line & column blocks. Execute compilers, line draw, macros, unlimited files, EGA-40/VGA-50 support, undo buffer, auto- indent,pop-down menus & much more! ASP QHELP.LZH 278528 02-15-93 QHELP FOR QEDIT Incredible help system for the very popular editor QEDIT. Two versions. QHELPQ uses the standard (default) command key assignments and QHELPC allows custom command key assignments. Word Perfect should have as powerful a help system ! RAVED.LZH 147456 02-15-93 RAVITZ EDITOR 1.10 A small but powerful ASCII text editor with integrated outlining and over viewing. Some features are: hide lines, outline, sort lines, view two files or parts of the same file, undelete, and more. ASP SEDT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 SEDT V3.2 A screen editor written with the goal of providing a common editor across a wide range of operating systems. Enhanced programming features, tutorial, mouse support, cut & paste, all the standard wordprocessing features. A very nice Programming editor. TE.LZH 49152 02-15-93 TEXT EDITOR Full screen text editor. Small 30K size. Commands similar to Wordstar and Sidekick. Edit files as large as memory. Insert, delete, block, copy, move, find, replace, set margins, set page length, word wrap, shell to DOS and more. Public Domain program! TEKWRT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 RGB TECHWRITER V2.12 Scientific text processor designed to make technical writing (using complex symbols and expressions) fast and easy. Has on-line help, uses color to display on-screen special symbols. Supports many popular printers. (rqs. 320k RAM) VI.LZH 163840 02-15-93 "VI" VI Full-Screen Text Editor. A professional- grade version of "vi", the standard UNIX (AT&T trademark) full-screen text editor. Includes virtually all vi features, plus built-in paragraph formatting, special laptop features, and more. (ASP) WED.LZH 114688 02-15-93 WED 5.02 Easy to use text editor for the beginner or advanced programmer. Features: single keystroke commands, customized functions keys, pop-up ASCII reference chart, handles files up to 16 megs in size, more. Rqs, 256k.